We also talked about how to consume anger rather than letting it consume us Black rage and the loving care we must also offer the wounds beneath it. We discussed ways in which anger pierces through to the truth of our reality, acting as a mirror, source of clarity, and catalyst for change. In this episode, we take a closer look at anger with Buddhist teacher Lama Rod Owens, kicking off a deeper season of study with his new book, “Love and Rage: The Path of Liberation through Anger” as our summer 2020 Irresistible Book Club selection! Our righteous anger, as we can see clearly in this historical moment, exists as a sacred and necessary ingredient to our power and collective liberation. As we recorded this conversation, hundreds of thousands of us were (and are) taking our rage to the streets and to the page, protesting police violence and white supremacy around the world. Over the course of my career, I provided individual and couples therapy to a diverse population of adolescents and adults in multiple settings, including inpatient clinics, community mental health centers, and university counseling settings.Within the constant violence of the systems of oppression that structure our lives, there are infinite reasons for us to be enraged. Todays guest is Lama Rod Owens, who was trained in the Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism. I received my master's degree and doctoral degree in clinical psychology from George Fox University and then completed my internship and residency at Portland State University’s Center for Student Health and Counseling.

I’m here to listen, support and guide you on a healthy, empowered path. Seven Homecomings Practice - Lama Rod Owens Please take some time before our next class to try out Lama Rod Owens’ Seven Homecomings Practice and generate your own list of homecomings or refuges.
Zupans portland oregon, Catelli gluten free pasta calories. My goal is to build a relationship based on authenticity and open communication throughout the course of therapy to ensure satisfaction. Rmn coloana lombara preturi, Sawing metal rod, Dhirendra mishra jaipur, T-shirt clip art. This means I understand that racial, cultural, religious, gender, and sexual identities interact with one’s beliefs and behavior, and believe that it is more effective to vary my therapeutic approach from person to person, depending on a client’s culture group, rather than to simply use the same standard treatment approach for everyone. the support and vision fostered by the GenX Buddhist Teachers Sangha gatherings helped Lama Rod Owens and. Over the course of seven weeks in this new online practice and study group, Lama Rod Owens will guide us through the core meditation practices from his new book, Love and Rage: The Path of Liberation Through Anger. Clatskanie, Oregon (75 minutes from Portland).

I value the unique aspects of each individual and therefore integrate a culturally sensitive approach with my patients. Most profoundly we are being called to truth about our relationship to death and dying, and to face our grief, anger and rage. In therapy, we will work together to help you better understand your behaviors, overcome life challenges, navigate obstacles, and build skills to cope with difficult emotions, so that you can find a new way forward. The authors of this edition have included a custom spell, ritual, or journaling exercise alongside their writing. As the first anthology comprised solely of. Past experiences, and how you attempt to understand them, can affect numerous areas of your life and sometimes lead you to feel stuck in certain patterns of behavior. An anthology including Lama Rod Owen's story of how race and Buddhist practice have intersected in his life. That is why I offer a safe, nurturing space where you can speak and be listened to with empathy and free from judgement. I believe healing and growth occur in psychotherapy when you first establish a supportive, collaborative therapeutic relationship.