Young Sathya now had to trudge back and forth every day, no matter what the weather, the muddy path through fields, walking on bunds, and wading through water, as required. It was time to move on to Higher Secondary School, but such a school was available only in Bukkapatnam, several kilometers to the north of Puttaparthi. Shortly thereafter, Easwaramma had precisely one such experience. Promptly, Lakshmamma alerted Easwaramma that the latter might have strange experiences, but ought not to worry about them. The Lord then appeared in her dream and blessed her, indicating that He would be born in her family. Sometime prior to the birth of this new boy, Lakshmamma, the mother-in-law was engaged in the worship of Lord Sathyanarayana. There was a definite reason for such a belief. Even before its birth, Easwaramma knew that the child to be born would be unusual. She observed all the prescribed austerities, and soon her prayers were answered - she was to become a mother again. Some years passed and Mother Easwaramma longed for another son. Prior to the incarnation, Pedda Venkama Raju and Easwaramma had been blessed with one son and two daughters, Seshama Raju, Venkamma, and Parvathamma, in that order. In the Sathya Sai Incarnation, the Lord chose the Ratnakara family on account of the purity, piety, and the devotion of its members. Thus, the Lord's birth as a human is a part of His Divine Sport or Leela in other words, His life is a Leela Janma. He decides the time and the place of His incarnation, the parents, and also how His life would unfold. He incarnates as a part of His unfathomable Cosmic Drama, to play as it were, a cameo role. However, when the Lord comes down in human form, it is a different story altogether. In short, human birth is a karma janma (birth that is the consequence of earlier births). The karma or the track-record of earlier births, i.e., the nature of deeds performed, both good and bad, determine the future janmas or births.

The birth of ordinary mortals is the direct consequence of earlier lives. Kondama Raju, and son of Pedda Venkama Raju and Easwaramma. None realised then, and indeed for a long time thereafter, that Divinity had incarnated in human form as Ratnakara Venkata Satyanarayana Raju, grandson of Mr. On that day was born in the (then) obscure village of Puttaparthi, a charming baby boy in the Ratnakara family. November 23, 1926, is a red-lettered day in the history of mankind.