
Gorey flamingo painting
Gorey flamingo painting

The painting’s flattened, multitiered perspective unfolds across a single plane, and our imperiled heroine appears to be looking down through metaphorical layers, beyond her heavenly blossoms and into a diabolical subterranean domain. In the distance lies thick woodland beneath a lurid purple sky and scudding clouds. There, a woman stands with her head bowed in contemplation as she clutches a bouquet of the aforementioned blooms. In the lower portion of the superlative Gathering and Gazing, 2022, a raging inferno surrounded by blackness licked at a field of blue, lilac, and white flowers toward the top of the picture.

gorey flamingo painting gorey flamingo painting

The artist’s exhibition here, “Walking with Ghosts,” extended this pensive arc with seventeen variously sized works in oil, acrylic, Flashe paint, and gouache on canvas and panels. The atmospherics are of ethereal somnambulism and introspection: Think Aesop’s Fables meets Edward Gorey with a hint of roofied-out foreboding à la the 2019 folk-horror film Midsommar. Her cartoonish female subjects-self-portraits, essentially-walk lonely roads or float through the air, at times communing with nature in sunny meadows and crepuscular forests.

gorey flamingo painting

Mary DeVincentis paints eerie netherworlds, celestial panoramas, and earthly pastorals that often feature a lone woman and a cast of anthropomorphized animals and flora.

Gorey flamingo painting